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Buy Diflucan (Fluconazole) 50/100/150/200 mg online without prescription

Fluconazole 400 mg - 30 pills - $171.60 / $5.72 per pill

Fluconazole 200 mg - 30 pills - $102.83 / $3.43 per pill

Fluconazole 150 mg - 30 pills - $64.76 / $2.16 per pill

Fluconazole 100 mg - 30 pills - $51.60 / $1.72 per pill

Fluconazole 50 mg - 30 pills - $37.53 / $1.25 per pill

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Fluconazole 400 mg - 30 pills - $163.01 / $5.43 per pill

Fluconazole 200 mg - 30 pills - $97.75/ $3.26 per pill

Fluconazole 150 mg - 30 pills - $61.56 / $2.05 per pill

Fluconazole 100 mg - 30 pills - $49.02 / $1.63 per pill

Fluconazole 50 mg - 30 pills - $35.62 / $1.19 per pill

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Fluconazole, an anti-fungal drug, is marketed as Diflucan. It is used to treat a variety of fungal infections. In addition to the treatment of infections, it can also be used as a prophylactic agent to prevent the development of infection in people with a weak immune system. It has good efficacy and is used worldwide to treat fungal and yeast infections.

Pharmacological Action

Fluconazole works to stop the growth of fungi at the site of infection. It is used to prevent and treat oral and vaginal infections caused by the organism Candida. It stops the fungi from growing to their full potential and thus helps treat the infection.

Mode of Action, Dosage, and Duration of Treatment

Before starting the use of oral Fluconazole for yeast infection, you should go through the prescription advised by your health care practitioner or pharmacist. The absorption and effectiveness of oral Fluconazole are very rapid, so the daily dose is the same as the dose given by the intravenous route.

On day one, the patient is advised to take double the dose to have a steady plasma concentration. The recommended dose is 200 mg once on day one, then 100 mg every day on the subsequent days. After that, the treatment should be continued for at least two weeks. In patients with advanced infection, doses of up to 400 mg of Generic Diflucan can be used.


Following precautions should be taken for treatment:

  • Get yourself tested to know if you have any drug allergies.

  • Caution is needed in patients with a known heart condition or at risk of developing heart disease. Fluconazole can cause abnormal heart rhythms in such patients.

  • It should be administered carefully in patients who have kidney disease.

  • Patients suffering from adrenal insufficiency should be given oral fluconazole with caution.

  • Generic Fluconazole should not be used in pregnant women. However, if using it is inevitable, the benefits and risks should be outweighed.

  • People with liver problems should avoid buying Fluconazole because it can cause liver problems.

  • Use of Fluconazole 150 mg tablet before driving or operating heavy machinery should be avoided.

  • People suffering from diarrhea or vomiting should avoid taking fluconazole for yeast infections.

Side Effects

Immediately stop using Oral Fluconazole if you experience the signs of an allergic reaction to the drug. These could be hives, swelling of hands, feet, and difficulty in breathing, etc. If such a situation develops, immediately visit the emergency room.

Listed below are some side effects of generic Diflucan:

  • Irregular heartbeat

  • Fatigue

  • Dizziness

  • ug overdose, the patient should be rushed to the hospital, and immediate symptomatic treatment should be started. It can cause damage to the heart, liver, and kidneys. In more severe cases, it can lead to the decreased respiratory effort, urinary incontinence, decreased activity, and even death.

    Interaction with Other Drugs

    If you are already on some medication or have to start using another medication when using Fluconazole, inform your physician about it. Fluconazole interacts with the following drugs :

    • Alfentanil

    • Amiodarone

    • Amitriptyline

    • Nortryptyline

    • Amphotericin B

    • Astemizole

    • Azithromycin

    • Calcium Channel Blockers

    • Carbamazepine

    • Celecoxib

    • Cyclophosphamide

    • Cyclosporin

    • Hydrochlorothiazide

    • Methadone

    • Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs

    • Oral Contraceptives

    • Rifampin

    • Short-acting Benzodiazepines

    Many other medicines interact with Fluconazole. Hence, extreme care is needed to avoid any adverse drug reactions. In addition, the use of fluconazole with Vitamin A should be avoided because it can lead to undesirable Central Nervous System effects.

    Dr. Washington

Knowledge is empowering. I want to give my patients the information they need to make the best decision about their health and treatment options. There is not a “one size fits all plan, so we work hard to individualize a treatment plan for each of our patients. At Hilltop we strive to be your partner in this journey through life. We know there are many issues and concerns that can arise in different stages of the life cycle and we are here to provide you the support and guidance that you need, along with sound medical advice.

Dr. Washington

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